August 10, 2006

Quick take a picture of the photographer

It's only for the alcohol in the deoderant he said

Sometimes you need to rest, before going on

Nice to be blind in Amsterdam

I'm ready for my trip around the world

These new strings aren't comfortable

The female workout

Negro chickens

You wanted a big one?

Nice picture

A hard ground is great for the back

Spray with those cans Spray!

What kind of milk give a coloured cow?

Kitty vader

Just a little sip

My car got a new engine

Why does he have a sportsbag

Maybe they should have chained the baby too

No I don't want to ski anymore

Wonder what moves he can do more

August 7, 2006

Breath in, breath out.

Yo DJ! Pump this party.......girl

I'm a baseballfan


My boombirdie in the garden


Drunk what is that?

Damn my fender of my truck bended

Forgot to paint?

Even pretending to be in a rollercoaster wa too much

My latest tacquisition in the bathroom

Ducktapeman to the rescue

My new swimmingpool

My new pc, with standard double vision

Lucky I'm no vegetarian

India Stuntteam


Congratulations for making it this far!!!